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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

By now, you’ve probably figured out that college isn’t easy. One way to potentially make your semester easier is to substitute an online class in place of a physical class. This often leads to more free time, as you won’t have to physically attend the class multiple days a week. Another benefit of many online classes is the ability to complete the course as soon as you’d like, if the course permits working at your own pace. Here are some of the best rated ones by Auburn students!


Free Electives:

Medical Terminology – KINE-3003

If you need a three-hour free elective, Medical Terminology is a great choice. While it does require quite a few hours of time, it is absolutely worth it. Assignments consist of lectures (that can be clicked through), self-tests, flashcards, timed quizzes, three timed exams and one timed final. This class can either be completed at the beginning of the semester, or throughout the semester as the deadlines approach. Just make sure not to miss a deadline! Also, no one warned me that there are some intensely graphic photos involved in the course, so be prepared for those.


Wellness – KINE-1103

Wellness is basically the toned-down version of medical terminology. As such, it counts for a two-hour credit. The class consists of a brief syllabus quiz, 15 weekly quizzes and a “final,” which is a course evaluation. While in the past this class could be completed entirely at the beginning of the course, this year the first five quizzes were released at the beginning, and the other ten will be released in a few weeks.


Organic Gardening – HORT-2043

This class is great for people who either already love gardening, or who want to improve their skills. It consists of online quizzes and tests. Make sure to check RateMyProfessor for the potential instructors, because a good teacher can make or break this course!


Physical Education:

Weight Management – PHED-1393

This class is a great option for those who have room for another physical education credit. This class consists of a few modules with very easy quizzes, and weekly food and exercise logs. Each week, you choose one day to log food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks), and three days to log exercise. I’m not sure about others, but my instructor accepted “I walked my cat on a leash” as exercise.


Active Auburn – PHED-1003

This class is generally a hit or miss. If you aren’t an active person, or don’t feel like getting an average of 12,000 steps a day somehow, you may want to pass on this class. But for individuals with an active lifestyle, this class is a great fit. This class may be taken twice, and therefore may be taken to fulfill the limit of four hours of physical education credits.


Fine Arts & Core Humanities:

Music Appreciation – MUSI-2733

Why spend three hours a week in class if you don’t have to? Online Music Appreciation consists of modules that, at least for my course, may be completed as soon as you’d like. Once one module is completed, the next opens. Similarly to the regular Music Appreciation course, it is necessary to attend three music concerts (with a fourth optional for extra credit) and upload reports, roughly a paragraph each, for each concert. This class may either count as your fine arts credit or a core humanity (if taken as a second art).


Theater – THEA-2013

Warning – this class only had thirty spots this semester, so if you don’t have a lot of credit hours you may not be able to obtain a spot. Attending plays is a requirement for this class, as are online group discussions. All assignments are completed online. This class may also count as a fine arts credit or core humanities, if taken as a second art.

Sarah Grace is currently a Junior studying Accountancy at Auburn University. She is the treasurer of Her Campus Auburn. Her hobbies include exploring the outdoors, jigsaw puzzles, and gardening.
Cathlene is a senior studying journalism and women's studies at Auburn University. She has been a part of Her Campus Auburn for three years and is in her first year as Campus Correspondent. When she isn't studying and working on Her Campus, she enjoys baking desserts, reading young adult fiction and watching Netflix (mainly Friends, The Office and The Great British Baking Show). Some of her favorite things include Disney, desserts and fluffy animals to cuddle. Cathlene aspires to write for a magazine once she graduates and hopefully move back to Los Angeles.