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How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.


The new year has always been a time for redefining ourselves.  We reconnect with our personal journey and think of new ways in which we can improve our lives.  These resolutions are often overly ambitious, for example, “getting straight A’s” or “not drinking soda for a year”.  It can be hard to keep up a resolution in the beginning, because we choose to target something we have difficulty doing or eliminating a small vice we may really enjoy.  This year is different!  Here are some tips for keeping your resolution:


1. Take baby steps.  

Making a drastic change very quickly can be difficult to do.  The truth is that once the clock chimes twelve, you will still be the same person you were before.  There is no miraculous transformation that has taken place, so why treat your resolution like you have?  Taking small steps to reach your goals can prove to be very effective and make your goal long-lasting.  For example, if you want to quit drinking soda, start by limiting your drinking to once a week instead of quitting altogether.


2. Buddy up!

Convince a friend to join your resolution with you.  It is a lot easier to feel empowered when you have someone working with you.  You can help keep each other on the right track and honest about how you are keeping your goals in focus.  



3. Know your limits.

Let’s face it, sometimes goals can just be too difficult to achieve.  You may put too heavy a load on yourself and realize later that it was just too much.  Make sure that your goals are attainable.  If a goal is too difficult to achieve, be willing to go slowly or feel comfortable with adapting it into a new, simpler goal.


4. Embrace the hiccups.

You cannot expect to be perfect when following your resolution.  Mistakes happen and that is okay.  If you slip-up, be willing to forgive yourself and keep going.  Especially in the beginning, there may be several slip-ups, but don’t let this deter you from reaching your goal.


Arts major at the University of California, Irvine  
Crystel Maalouf

UC Irvine '18
