I’m sure most of you have figured out that not all friendships last. I’m sure you’ve also figured out that not all friendships are worthwhile. A great friend isn’t necessarily someone you see or talk to all the time, but they make your life better nonetheless. Here are some ways to tell if your friendships are meant to last:
They challenge you to do better.
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This does not mean that they bring you down and make you want to change yourself (see: not all friendships are worthwhile). This could refer to your workout buddy, who keeps you active even when you would rather curl up on the couch than go to the gym. It could be a friend who pushes you to get your book published, helps you study for exams, or reminds you of your goals. Great friends encourage you to be a better version of who you already are.
2) They’re supportive.
Friends shouldn’t make you feel like your problems don’t matter. A good friend will check up on you, let you talk about how you’re feeling, and try their best to be there for you even if they don’t have a clue about how to help. They’ll know that it’s important to be a good listener.
3) They still love you even on your bad days.
If you got in a small fight with your s/o because they were in a mood, you wouldn’t break up with them, right? The same goes for friendships. Great friends understand when you’re having a bad day and even if they don’t like it, they won’t cut you out for it. They’ll also try to work out bigger fights if your relationship means a lot to them.
When making or keeping friends, try to follow these suggestions. With that being said, always remember that friendship is a two-way street, collegiettes. In order to make and keep good friends, you have to be a good friend.