Finals are here, and we could all use a little de-stressing. Take a quick study break with these ten adorable holiday-themed puppies!
1. How can you resist this adorable ornament thief?​
2. What’s better than one puppy? Nine puppies, of course!​
3. The only thing cuter than a puppy in the snow is a puppy in the snow and in a sweater.​
4. “Mom, I’m tired!”​
5. “I don’t know if this is big enough to fit both of us…”​
6. Just relaxing after a long day of celebrating the holidays.​
7. Baby huskies? Say no more.​
8. It doesn’t get any cuter than putting dogs and stuffed animals in the same photo.​
9. “Can I come out yet?”​
10. Rudolph or bulldog? The world may never know…​
Here’s to finals week, and who knows? You may even find a real  puppy to pet. Stay sane, everyone, and always remember to take care of yourself!