You came, you saw, you conquered! While stress can be present during the entire semester, nothing beats the stress of finals week so it’s important to de-stress once finals are over. Raise your hand if finals have just about killed you from stress and anxiety. Believe me, I’m raising my hand, too. But I will tell you now that finals are over, I am about to pamper myself to the max because we all deserve a relaxing break after the damaging nights without sleep and studying did to us. Here are 5 things you can do to de-stress after finals week!
1. Take a relaxing bathYou know Chandler from Friends didn’t think baths were that great until Monica introduced him to a nice bubble bath with candles and wine. Taking a bath is one of the most relaxing things you can do! It helps you unwind and relax. You can grab some bath salts, candles, some Lush bath bombs, and add some relaxing essential oils. You can even grab a book and play some soothing music to ease your mind. That way when you go to bed, your mind and body can feel more relaxed. You’ll probably have the best sleep you’ve had in weeks.
2. Go out with friendsGrab a couple of your friends and go have a night out, you deserve it! You can go to a nice restaurant, watch a movie and just let loose and enjoy yourself.
3. Treat yo’Â selfAs a student, you deserve some TLC time, you worked very hard for a couple of months straight. Now is the time to treat yourself, some suggestions include getting a manicure or pedicure, doing a little shopping, or getting your makeup and hair done. It is the little things that will make you feel rewarded!
4. Binge watch NetflixSometimes finals leave us wanting to do nothing and just curl up in bed and what better way to do that than to catch up on some of our favorite shows! Binge watch those episodes of Friends you’ve been wanting to watch without the guilt that comes with procrastination!
5. SleepTaking naps is good for the mind. Finals often tire you out, so what better way than to lessen the fatigue than to curl up under the covers and catch some zzz’s.
There you have it! Treat yourself to any of the above activities, just remember that you are awesome and that you deserve to treat yourself after having endured finals week! Go enjoy your winter break!
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