Have you watched Billy on the Street? Billy on the Street is an American game show hosted by Billy Eichner. The concept of the show is to bring random celebrity guests and go around New York City asking questions such as “do you like (Ex:) Will Ferrell?” while WILL FERRELL is standing right there, along with playing games with the public and Billy talking about pop culture with pretty much any stranger.
His guests range from Academy Award winner Lupita N’yongo to Emmy Award winner Jon Hamm. One of his recent guests was John Oliver, known for his HBO hit show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He asked gay people on the streets of New York City if they cared about John Oliver, and got some mixed answers.
You can watch that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=IAFS1gwzTTs
So that begs the question, what about you? Do you care about John Oliver? Here’s ten reasons why people care about him, and maybe you will too!
1. John Oliver is a great T.V. show host
Check out the most recent episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZAPwfrtAFY
2. His humor is uncanny
Watch this stand up on politics from 2011, I BET YOU WILL LAUGH MORE THAN ONCE:
3. He speaks up about issues he believes in
4. He is going to play Zazu in The Lion King (2019)
5. He has won 8 Emmys. EIGHT!
6. He started off on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
8. He’s a workaholic
As he mentioned in A Rolling Stone Magazine article: http://www.rollingstone.com/tv/features/20-things-you-learn-hanging-out-with-john-oliver-20140926
9. He has a golden retriever named Hoagie, and she is so cute
10. He works hard to make politics not so hard to talk about and provides us with so many gifs while doing so
Now let me ask you again, Do you care about John Oliver?