The holiday season is meant to be a joyful time. For some however, it’s a painful time because for whatever reason you might not be feeling joyful. Regardless of the reason why you aren’t feeling joyful, thankful, or appreciative of what the year has brought you, here are some important things to remember that will hopefully help you get through the holiday season:
1. Remember the Good Times:
Remember the happy moments of the year. Even if it’s been a really hard year for you, there were moments where you laughed so hard your stomach hurt. When you start to feel sad or overwhelmed take some “me-time” and submerge yourself in the memories and allow yourself to remember the happiness you felt in those moments.
2. Roommate Date:
Spend the day with your roommates whether it’s watching movies all day or exploring the city. Take the time to make new happy memories with the ones who held your hand and wiped your tears during the painful part of year. Even the smallest thing of letting them know you appreciate them can make all difference in helping your mood.
3. Pamper Yourself:
Take a bubble bath and then put on your comfy Christmas robe while you watch classic holiday movies. It’s important to take care of yourself and do things to help lift your mood. It’s true that pampering yourself or even just keeping up with good hygiene can do so much for your mood. When you look good, you feel good. And what better way to force yourself into the holiday spirit then to watch holiday movies?
4. Let it out:
Let it out. Have a strong urge to cry or scream? Do it. Like my mother always says, sometimes you just need a good cry to let all the bad out so you can make room for the good. If that’s not really your style, maybe try writing it out. Take your feelings and put them on pen and paper to help clear up the jumbled mess going on in your head.
5. Be Okay With Not Being Okay:
Finally, be okay with not being okay. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is accept that you don’t have anything you want to celebrate this year. Maybe it was just a really awful year and it’s okay to take a step back and say “you know what? I don’t feel like celebrating and acting like it’s been a really great year when it hasn’t”. Do what you need to do in order to get through the holiday season whether its finding something to celebrate or not.