In college, quitting does not seem like an option. Getting good grades, taking tough classes and pulling all-nighters studying for finals are all instances in which college students are expected to “keep calm and carry on.” Quitting can feel a lot like failing, especially when you are used to persevering. But, sometimes the decision to quit could even mean doing what is best for you.
In School
At Florida International University there are a variety of ways to get involved on campus, and more often than not many students take on multiple extracurricular activities. While this does look great on a resume it can be easy to get in over your head with the obligations that come with these clubs and activities. Choose what interests you most and pursue that passionately rather than stressing yourself out trying to make everything fit into your already full schedule.
In the Workplace
Quitting a job is like a rite of passage for some. It’s safe to say that you probably will not have the same job you have now when you are thirty-five. While it’s easy to get comfortable at a specific job, sometimes you need to move on to bigger and better things that better align with your vision for the future. If you aren’t happy with where you are working now there is always another opportunity to pursue elsewhere, you just have to take the leap and look.
In Relationships
Whether it’s a mediocre relationship or a toxic friendship, it’s important to know when it is time to let go and move on. This is another instance where your comfort zone is the easiest place to be. Cutting ties with a person who is bringing negativity to your life will be much more beneficial in the long run. You deserve to be happy and not feel the need to compromise to keep people in your life who aren’t good for you.
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