Students that live on residence may not have to deal with long commutes but they still face a lot of other issues. This article will detail a few problems that people who live on residence face and how you can help. If you have a friend that lives away from home, make sure to keep these ideas at the back of your head so you can help them feel better during their down times.
Loneliness I visited my friend’s apartment recently and noticed how small and cramped it was. Her roommate was just that, a roommate, so she felt friendless and alone a lot of the time. There is no substitute for family and sitting alone in your room for long periods of time can make a person feel depressed and unmotivated.
How you can help: Invite your friend out! Go out for lunch or bring lunch to them. It’s really hard not having your family with you so you need to be a second family for your friend to help them get through their tough times.
Food Everyone misses their mom’s home-cooked meals and university students are no different. During midterms and exams, it’s likely that those who live on or near campus grab any quick food they can get their hands on. The top choice is usually fast food that makes feel guilty and terrible the next day.
How you can help: Call up your friend’s mom and ask for some of her recipes. You can try to simulate a meal and surprise your friend with it. You may mess it up but your friend will appreciate the effort and it will make them think of home.
Pets are like our best friends and living away from them can be really difficult. People that live away from home don’t get to see their pets very often and this can cause them to lose sight of their goals.
How you can help: If your friend is missing their dog, you can take them to see Ryerson’s therapy dogs. Playing with the dogs can help your friend de-stress and feel better about leaving their furry friend at home.
Have you used any of these tips to help your friends feel better? Tweet us @HCRyerson