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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

No matter how excited you were to leave home and get out on your own, whether you live ten minutes away or ten thousand miles away, you eventually get a case of homesickness. Have no fear! Here are some tips to help you through it:


Call Home 

It’s okay to miss your family. It’s normal. It can help to call home to hear a familiar voice, but don’t try to call in excess. Independence is healthy.


I cannot stress this enough. Decorate your dorm room! Everyone knows the standard dorm room is lacking in vibrancy and color, it’s drab to come home to a bland dorm room every night. It doesn’t feel like your own room. The more you decorate it, the more it feels like your home. You will always have your family’s house to call home, but campus is your home too. Everyone has a dorm room that looks the same, so make it your own.

Get involved 

The more people you meet, the more people you will have to see in the dining hall, walking to class or chat with. Join a club with weekly meetings. It gives you a place to be at least once a week. Once a week you will see a group of people you have already seen.

Give it time!

It will get easier! Everyone is in the same boat as you, they just don’t want to admit it. College is a phase in your life you will remember forever. Take it day by day. 


Photos from Unsplash. 

Heather Regnier is a journalism/business major at the University of Georgia with plans to attend law school. Before she was a student at UGA, Heather worked at Cook Law Group. She's currently a Junior Panhellenic Delegate for her sorority, Delta Gamma. She's a writer for WUOG 90.5 and HerCampus for UGA.