Being a university student is extremely time consuming, so it’s not difficult to understand that the go-to outfit for most students is sweats and a hoodie. However, I am a strong believer that looking good makes you feel good! And when you feel good, you’re more motivated to study and do good. A lot of girls I know don’t feel like they can dress well for class because it takes too long or it’s too “time consuming”. But dressing nice adds, the most, 5 minutes to your morning routine. Here are some fashion essentials to amp up your style game, great for any lazy girl!
1. Fun earrings
Fun earrings or accessories are a great and simple way to jazz up any outfit. Adding some cool assets to a plain white tee and high-waisted jeans will make the outfit pop and add character. I really like the look of fruit earrings (cherries, grapes) or gold metal earrings that come in abstract shapes.
2. Pants/trousers
A lot people think trousers are too dressy or office-like for everyday wear. Yes, they can be dressy but it’s also very easy to dress them down! I suggest pairing them with a graphic tee and a pair of runners to make them more casual. Personally, I like wearing trousers more than jeans because I find them much more comfortable!
3. Graphic tees
Graphic tees are a MUST for every closet. They are so easy to dress up or dress down. You could wear them with trousers, jeans, skirts, different coats/jackets, the possibilities are endless! One of my favourite outfits are a graphic tee, black trousers, hoop earrings and a leather jacket. During the colder seasons I like to add a turtleneck underneath to keep warm.
4. Blazers
One of my favourite ways to dress up an outfit is with a blazer. My go-to is a blazer paired with a plain white v-neck, boyfriend jeans, black heels and of course a fun pair of earrings.
5. Comfy heels
A good closet must have a pair of comfy heels. Heels are basically the easiest way to dress up any outfit! Of course, black would be the easiest to match with any outfit, but beige or white heels are also a great look. And heels that you can actually walk in, girl, those are treasures.
6. Black loafers
If I want to dress up a casual outfit and don’t want to wear heels I’ll throw on a pair of black loafers. They’re like the more casual dressy shoe.
7. Leather jacket
Of course, a great leather jacket is an essential as well. Throwing on a leather jacket on top of a simple tee and jeans will make you instantly look badass.
8. Wool coat
Wool coats are a great way to stay stylish in the colder months, an easy way to go to class looking classy and stylish!
9. White blouse
I think a white blouse is a fancier upgrade of the plain white tee. Don’t get me wrong, I love plain white t-shirts as much as the next fashionista. But a white blouse will easily make an outfit look more fashionable and classy. My favourite way to wear a white blouse is with a pair of light blue mom jeans and black loafers.
10. Silk square scarf
Last, but certainly not least, we have the silk square scarf. I feel like they give a Parisian vibe to any outfit, they make great accessories! There are so many patterns to choose from, with endless outfit possibilities. My favourite way to style them is with a white blouse, light blue skinny jeans and a pair of ankle boots.