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15 Old Slang Words and Phrases That Should Make A Comeback

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Old is the new? New is the old? Here is a list of old slang and phrases that we should bring back into our common vernacular.


“Fly by the Seat of Your Pants”

because this is the best way to say that you just kinda go with the flow.


“Let’s Blow this Popsicle Stand”

meaning let’s get out of here


“It’s like Totally Tubular”

because saying “cool” just isn’t enough



yet another ‘cool’ that’s just cooler


“So is Your Face”

is there really a better comeback than this?



cuz really, it’s all right


“Hella Cool”

it’s not really cool, its better than that


“Cool Beans”

this just kinda speaks for itself


“Mucho Wakoid”

a really cool way of saying, wowzers, way cool



Scooby Doo making that comeback


“Dig it!”

I mean I dig it, do you?


“Have a Cow!”

because could you be more upset than if you actually had a cow?


“Pretty Fly”

yeah, he’s pretty cool


“Let’s get Some Za and Brew”

the new way to get some pizza and beer



another way to say ‘aiight’ or it’s alright


Now you’ll have some gnarly new vocabulary to throw into your everyday conversation. Whether your hanging out with your pretty fly friends or blowing that popsicle stand, these new words are like totally tubular and will make you hella cool. You don’t believe me? It’s aight, I won’t have a cow. Have fun with some new vocab collegiettes! HCXO

I aspire to be like Audrey Hepburn and Elle Woods, classy and fabulous
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.Â