Nadia Dansani is not the type of student who is content with just going to class and sitting in her dorm all day. Dansani has made Kent her home by fully immersing herself in campus life. She belongs to various organizations and holds leadership positions, including being a resident assistant and most recently, senator at large for Undergraduate Student Government. Check out the full interview below to learn more about her role as senator at large for USG and her advice to students on getting involved.
Name: Nadia Dansani
Major: Accounting & Computer Information Systems
Minor: International Business & Marketing
Year in School: Junior
Dream Job: Chief financial officer for a multinational firm, Chief information officer for a multinational firm, Senior VP of accounting for a Firm, Partner at an accounting firm
Her Campus: How did you first learn about Undergraduate Student Government, and why did you decide to get involved?
Nadia Dansani: I honestly cannot recall which happened first, but I remember a couple of interactions with the Undergraduate Student Government before I decided to run. I was in Kent Interhall Council my freshman year, and the senator for the residence halls always spoke at those meetings. I was always interested in what she did but was never sure. Being that I am not from Ohio, I was uncertain as to how I vote absentee. So, I went into USG to ask questions. The people that helped me were nice. I also saw USG on the concert promotions throughout campus.
HC: How did you run for a USG position?
ND:Â In order to run for USG, you have to submit an application as well as a platform. You also have to obtain a certain number of signatures. After completing all of that, I ran for senator for the College of Business Administration.
HC: What preparations/efforts did you make for your campaign while running as senator for the College of Business Administration?
ND: I talked to the senator for my college at the time to see what it was like! I also talked to different members of USG to see what advice they could have for me. I spoke in various classes of people within my college to try and get them to vote for me.
HC: How did you feel when you were not elected as senator of the College of Business Administration?
ND: I was indifferent to losing. I have been so used to failure that it stopped phasing me in high school. I used to run for student government in elementary and middle school. I would always lose. In high school it was more of an “if you are interested in student government you could join” with the elections not really being a thing, due to lack of interest.
HC: Can you explain what your position is as senator at large?
ND: As a senator at large I attend bi-weekly public meetings. I also meet with the Student Diversity Action Council or communicate with them on a regular basis to listen to their concerns as well as to see how USG can aid the underrepresented body of students on campus. Â
HC: What is your favorite part about being a member of USG?
ND: There are so many things that I love about USG. I have sat on e-boards for various organizations, but there is a sense of belonging for me in USG. Everyone on the USG board is always willing to help, and they are always supportive of the things that everyone is doing.
HC: What other organizations on campus are you involved?
ND: Management and Information Systems Association, Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting Association, Institute of Management Accountants, Kent Interhall Council, Kent African Student Association, Black United Students.
HC: How do you manage to balance school with your different responsibilities?
ND: I wake up and go. If something does not get done or if you are thinking about not doing something; you have to think about the effects of that on the long-term. Every week, I write down what needs to get done and how long it will take to complete.
HC: What is your advice for students who are looking to get involved?
ND: Join everything you can that fits your schedule. Even if it does not fit your schedule, make it fit your schedule. Be prepared for the unexpected. Every week something that you have no control over will happen, and be prepared to deal with it!