Halloween is one of those holidays that everyone just seems to love. What’s better than decorating with some spooktacular decorations, dressing up in a costume and having an excuse to eat a lot of candy? Pretty much nothing! Here’s how you can tell if you’re actually Halloween-obsessed.
1. Your recently listened to songs changes from your favorite study playlists to classic haunted hits
Nothing sounds more festive than shuffling a playlist with “Thriller,” “Superstition,” “Ghostbusters” and “Monster Mash.” Even though others wouldn’t trade in the latest from Niall Horan and Sam Smith, you’re willing to do so to get into the Halloween spirit.
2. Planning a costume last minute is a definite no in your book
You search Pinterest for costume ideas weeks before the big day to find the perfect costume and ask friends despite the “It’s not even October yet” response to join in on a group costume.
3. You’re the first to decorate your dorm room door with all things that scream Halloween
From stickers to countdowns, caution tape, and cobwebs, you surprise your roomies (and the rest of your floor) with your decorating skills and holiday enthusiasm.
4. It’s not Halloween without a few Halloween movie nights
In your case, it’s many movie nights watching Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas and the childhood favorite Halloweentown series. You’re the first to suggest the movies and do everything in your care to make sure projecting them for friends goes without a glitch.
5. Speaking of Halloweentown, going to the Spirit of Halloweentown in St. Helens, Oregon is something you’ve always wanted to do
In the place where the movie was filmed, it’s no shock that the month long celebration will make you feel right at home with your fellow Halloween enthusiasts.
6. When you’ve finally decided on your costume, you ditch Halloween stores and start with your closet to piece it together
Chances are your homemade Harley Quinn costume last year outdid the store bought one and things won’t change this year. You’re not afraid to go all out on a costume, from hair dye to colored contacts, you know cat ears and a tail won’t do.
7. Your October budget isn’t just going toward a costume
You find yourself purchasing everything Halloween, from pumpkin soup, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin candles and fall fragrances, your October is nothing short of the scents and tastes of the season. Not to mention, you’re always the one to hit up the stores the day after Halloween to gather the sale items for a festive next year.
If you identify with all seven signs, chances are you’re completely Halloween-obsessed!