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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Name: Dana Ricker 

Class Year: Junior 

Major: Early Childhood Education 

Minor: Disabilities & Children’s Literature 

Hometown: North Huntingdon 

Birthday: June 24, 1997 


Her Campus (HC): Hey there! We’re so excited to be interviewing you. At Her Campus, we want to make sure we can share all the awesome things about you to our readers. I’ve compiled some questions for you to answer, are you ready? 


HC: Why did you choose your major and what do you plan on doing after graduation? 

Dana Ricker (DR): I chose my major after taking a preschool in high school class. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a teacher. In high school, I was convinced I was going to become an accountant. My plan completely changed when I taught the preschoolers for the first time. There is an indescribable feeling you get when you watch young learners experience something new. They have such enthusiasm for learning. After graduation, I hope to be a 2nd grade teacher. If I could stay in the area, that would be great but I certainly would not complain if I got to teach near a beach! 


HC: Why did you choose Saint Vincent? 

DR: From the moment I stepped on campus, Saint Vincent felt like home. Immediately, I felt like I was a part of the Saint Vincent community from the first “hello.” Coming to Saint Vincent was the best decision of my life because I have met my lifelong friends as well as grown closer in my relationship with God. 


HC: Are you involved with any clubs or sports on campus? 

DR: I am the Junior Advisor for Alpha Lambda Delta and the Treasurer for Early Childhood Education Club. I am a part of Kappa Delta Pi, Education Club, Service Corps for Exceptional Children, Orientation Committee, and Studio SVC. I am a work study at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve and I work part time at Hallmark. 


HC: What is your favorite memory from SVC? 

DR: Hands down, my favorite memory from SVC is participating in SVC Wraps. The Education Department and Westmoreland Children’s Bureau collaborate to provide the entire Christmas experience all the way to the presents under the tree to a stocking for those less fortunate. We shop for the children 6:30am at K-Mart the Saturday before finals week. Then on Sunday, we wrap all of the presents, make ornaments, and stuff their stockings. It is a fun, rewarding experience while spreading the Christmas spirit! 


HC: What is one thing that is unique to you? 

DR: Something unique to me is I lived with my grandparents (and my mom) growing up! I feel like a lot of kids do not get the chance to live with their grandparents and I am beyond blessed that I received this opportunity; my nana and pap were a huge influence on who I am today. Sadly, they are both in Heaven and I miss them very much but I know they are on this journey with me just in my heart and not by my side. 


HC: Okay, last question, who is your biggest role model in your life and why? 

DR: My biggest role model in my life is my mom. She consistently encourages me to follow my heart as well as provides the best advice (and hugs). I can always count on her to make me smile on a bad day or laugh from one of the many hilarious teaching stories kids give teachers to talk about. We are truly best friends!

Hi, my name is Aliyah and I am a sophomore at St. Vincent. I am a Psychology major with a Sociology Minor and I am also getting my certification to be an Addiction Counselor. Currently, I am the Secretary of Psychology Club, Treasurer of Active Minds, a writer for HerCampus, rugby player, and an admissions ambassador. I love my friends and family, coffee, dogs and art. Always happy to talk, so if you see me, don't be afraid to say hi!! -- "Being happy never goes out of style." -Lilly Pulitzer
Juli Cehula

St Vincent '18

Hello there! I am the Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus chapter at Saint Vincent College. As a senior psychology major, I've made the most of my time in undergrad and am excited for all the doors I have opening ahead of me. I can definitely thank Her Campus for giving me invaluable skills. As a future psychologist, I hope that my articles (and the chapter's) are able to make you feel empowered, motivate you to start a conversation, and be kind. As a hero of mine has said, "If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list."- Michelle Obama. Be the change you want to see in the world, and smile. Always smile!