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10 Ways to Dodge the Flu in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

First it strikes a few of your classmates, then the pathogen moves on to attack your roommate, and you know it’s inevitable that it will come for you next. While this scenario sounds like a scene out of your average horror movie, for college students, the exposure to influenza can be just as frightening. Here are ten ways you can dodge the flu during the next few scary months.


1). Get your flu shot.

Arguably the most effective way to prevent the illness, getting your flu shot is necessary to avoid obtaining the virus. According to the CDC, the vaccination reduces your risk of the flu by 40-60%. If you’re on campus, Student Health Services will be running several free flu clinics over the next few weeks starting Monday, October 23. Herd immunity is the new hip and trendy thing, people.

2). Wash your hands.

Someone who has the flu could be lurking nearby at any moment, so many sure to wash your hands frequently to prevent indirect exposure. The CDC recommends washing your hands with warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, or as long as it takes for you to sing happy birthday. Or the chorus of “I Want it That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, if you want to mix it up.

3). Keep tissues on hand.

If you find yourself coughing or sneezing, don’t even think about being that kid who uses their hand as a tissue. To avoid spreading germs in the air, have a handy mini set of tissues in your backpack at all times. If everyone used tissues and disposed of them properly, the world would be a better place.

4). Take your daily vitamin.

Sure, your mom always tells you to take vitamins, but have you ever listened? If the answer is no, head down to Price Chopper or CVS and get an adult multivitamin (highly recommend the Flintstone chewables). If you’re deficient in Vitamin C or D, your immune system may be more susceptible to getting infiltrated by the virus, so be sure to take one everyday with breakfast.

5). Clean communal living spaces frequently.

Ah, yet another tip that you can hear your mom screaming into your ear. By disinfecting the kitchen, living room and bathroom, you are killing the nasty microorganisms that flew out of your roommate’s nose. A clean living space is always ideal, but it can also protect against viruses by stopping the pathogens in their tracks.

6). Change your pillowcase and sheets.

This tip is especially true for those of us collegiettes who may have an occasional guest from time to time. If you’re lazy, it can be tempting to keep your sheets on the bed until they start smelling ripe. By washing them frequently, microbes will be removed from your bed and you’ll be an overall better human being.

7). Stop sharing your drinks and food.

Flu season means stop sharing your Ted’s Beaver, as tempting as it is to split the $10 pitcher with your BFF. When the drinks start flowing and morals get thrown out the window, don’t forget to hold your ground on the no sharing drinks policy. No price is worth being bed ridden because your roommate couldn’t finish her drink and you were too thirsty or cheap to refuse.

8). Take good care of yourself

This unfortunately means cutting yourself off at the tenth episode of the How I Met Your Mother binge if it’s midnight and you have an 8am. It also means eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and passing on Thursday Nickel if you are exhausted from the week. As my dear friend Tina Fey once said, “Do your thing and don’t care if they like it”. Your physical and mental health comes first, so don’t be afraid to take it easy during flu season. School can be stressful and your body needs to be in tip top shape to fight off the flu virus if it comes in contact with it.

9). Invest in a humidifier

As the months go by and the temperature drops, the mucous membranes that line our nose become dried out. This is super inconvenient because these membranes are one of the first lines of defense for our immune system. They trap the microbes before they enter our body, but if they are dried out the flu virus has the green light to enter our precious nasal passageways. A humidifier is a foolproof way to keep these membranes moist and ready to trap.

10). Stop touching your face

It can be a hard habit to break, but keeping your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose is a good way to keep the microorganisms on your hands away from the passageways that enter the body. Wash your hands before applying makeup, eating finger food or picking your nose if you’re one of those weirdos (we all secretly find ourselves doing it though so it’s okay).

If all else fails and you find yourself bedridden with a temp of 102, make an appointment at Student Health Services and mentally prepare for that dreaded flu swab to test if you have the virus. Good luck to all my fellow Huskies as we enter this treacherous flu season and try to stay healthy in the most unhealthy environment possible: college dorms.

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