1. I wish I had traveled more.
Traveling allows people to see how other people live and think in different parts of the United States and the world. I spent a year in Germany my junior year of high school and it completely changed me. Living abroad by myself taught me how keep up with my money, pay bills, how to overcome difficult obstacles (like not speaking the language fluently for at least 5 months), and that just because people’s opinions are different from mine does not make them wrong (this was probably the most important lesson I learned the whole time). My friends in Germany taught me that it’s okay to be wrong or have a different opinion, they taught me how to appreciate the little things in life (like a beer with a burger for dinner), and to appreciate the amazing opportunity I had been given. I missed my family so much that year but I learned how to function without them. I still miss them while at college but being a few hours away compared to a continent away seems so small now.
2. I wish I had spent more time making memories with my friends senior year. I spent so much time focusing on when I would get to college I forgot to slow down and enjoy my senior year. My little sister ended up doing the same thing her senior year and I still wish I had told her to just slow down and enjoy because you will miss it eventually. She may not miss it this semester or even next semester but she will look back one day and wish she had gone to her senior prom, the senior drive-in, help roll the high school, gone to high school parties, and had more movie nights with her friends. I wish I had told her then. 3. I wish I had save more money.
The summer before college I pretty much spent all my money on dorm items and new clothes for college. Luckily for me my mom made me save a little bit of money, but by Christmas I had spent it all. So instead of being able to spend my whole Christmas break just spending time with my family, who I hadn’t seen all semester, I had to get a job. Now getting a job over Christmas wasn’t the worst thing that ever happened to me but it isn’t exactly what I had planned on doing over my Christmas break. I suggest planning ahead before you first come to college and save your money.
4. I wish I had spent more time with my family.
I didn’t realize that when I finally came to college I would hardly ever go home again. I never realized how busy I would be while in college, between classes and my sorority I am always busy. Now looking back, I wish I had spent one more afternoon cooking with my mom, one more movie night with my sisters, and played cards one more time with my dad.
5. Most of all, I wish I had enjoyed being a kid a little bit longer.
When you come to college it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders sometimes. You are expected to be an adult now, look after yourself, cook, do laundry, pay bills, and make good grades. I wish I had enjoy being a kid with no responsibilities a little longer and hadn’t rushed into growing up so quickly.