On Tuesday, I attended the Paley Center’s premiere of CBS’ new sitcom, Me, Myself & I. The show centers around inventor Alex Riley at three critical stages in his life: as a 14-year-old in 1991, 40-year-old in 2017, and 65-year-old in 2042. The show is the perfect mix of drama and comedy: though it is sad watching Alex go through hardships, the characters mix in humor and fun.
But before the show even started, I met up with the cast on the red carpet and talked to them about the show.
John Larroquette, who had his own TV show in the 1990s, told me some insightful quotes about show business and life from famous directors & playwrights
Her Campus: What advice do you think your character would give to a college student?
John Larroquette (Older Alex): Learn as much as you possibly can and be diverse in your education. If you’re studying engineering, maybe also study dance. If you’re studying dance, maybe study physics to be as versatile and as pliable as possible in the world, as it seems to be changing rapidly. Something to be loved and something that you might find not as interesting, but can provide you with a living.
Sharon Lawrence (Older Nori, Alex’s love interest): The 65-year-old Nori lives in 2042. And I would say to the college students now, you have to take acer of the planet. It’s up to you. League of Conservation voters will tell you how to pick your representatives that will vote for legislation that requires carbon offsets, that requires taking care of our coastlines, that requires environmental justice for marginalized communities. It’s up to you all.
Jaleel White (Darry, Alex’s best friend): Get the money up front! If they’re not paying up-front, man, count the days!
Bobby Moynihan (Alex): Wow. What advice would I give to my college age self?