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What Really Happens During Fall Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.

Fall Break, a time of catching up on much needed sleep, home-cooked meals if you’re lucky, and to regain your lost productivity (ha). Here are the stages that you go through once Fall Break commences.

1. Celebrate with the squad

You’re free!!!


2. Then you pass out

3. Now you’re hungover


4. But you’re also hungry


5. It’s officially break! Now you can enjoy guilt-free binge watching


6. Except your friends/family want to go out


7. And you still have to get to work


8. And you get the sense that you should attempt to be productive, but…


9. Come on, it’s Fall Break, surely you deserve to relax


10. Catch up on some Zzzs


11. And of course, chill while all your hometown friends return to their classrooms Monday


12. Except it’s Tuesday night and you don’t even remember where your textbooks are


13. And you had a few assignments that are due once break ends


14. That’s okay though, because if there’s one thing you know how to do is down a quad shot of espresso and get it done


So don’t worry! The end of Fall Break means we’ve made it half way! Give yourselves a pat on the back, and prepare to bang out these last weeks of the semester.


Junior at Cornell University majoring in Human Development, minoring in Spanish and PAM. Enjoys chocolate, netflix, and naps.
Elizabeth Li

Cornell '19

Junior at Cornell University and President/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Cornell