The age of Tinder presents us with virtual identities. Sometimes that attractive person you swipe right on may actually be a hidden left swipe. So what happens? You ask this person on a date. You get to the date and it is going horribly, but you feel embarrassed to say so and leave. Here are the answers of how to lose a Tinder date in 10 ways.
1. Just like in Finding Nemo, always have an exit buddy!
Tell a friend that you are going on a Tinder date. When the date starts to go south, text them any letter. Five minutes later your friend will call with a “traumatic” situation that they need your help for! Apologize for having to leave, but friends come first.
2. Fake sick.
This excuse has been around for centuries, so you might as well use it! Have tissues in your bag and then continuously “blow your nose” to beg the question, “Are you feeling well?” Then you simply answer no, while exclaiming that you are really sorry, but you don’t want to get them sick.
3. Act like you have plans later.
Conveniently bring up in conversation that you have a meeting for a group project later that day. Then suddenly look at the time and say, “Oh no! I totally got the times confused, I actually have that now!” Make sure to act shocked!
4. Be disgusting.
If you feel uncomfortable to initiate the end of the date, say or act so repulsive that they will want to leave. Then they will end the date for you. It doesn’t matter what the person thinks of you because you didn’t want to see them again anyways!
5. The famous F-word… FRIEND!
Find a time when the conversation is dying down and then respond, “We are going to be such good friends!” Nothing will kill the date faster than friendzoning your date. They will get the hint that it is not going well, so you can easily make your escape.
6. Pretend to misunderstand everything they say.
Not knowing what someone is saying is the key to getting away. If you can’t tell what they are saying it will make them annoyed. This will result in them ending the date early because they can’t hold a conversation with you!
7. Make a scene.
Respond to everything that your date says in an “extra” manner. For example if they say, “The service here is awful.” You then respond in a loud voice stating how wrong they are.
8. Bruise their ego.
If they are the person to brag about every great experience in their life, this is your go-to. You observe and find little flaws about them to bring them down a peg. Since their ego is bruised, they will need some time to recover and that is when you make your escape.
9. Go to the bathroom and never come back.
This classic move always gets you out in a pinch. Say that you need to go to the bathroom, evaluate the area, and plan your escape. When they text you later to see where you went, you say, “Sorry, I’m still in line for the bathroom.”
10. Own your feelings, don’t be embarrassed.
You probably thought that there would be a better number 10 to get you out of a situation without having to resort to this. You should not be embarrassed of what you think. You can always be honest. Don’t be afraid to own your feelings. If you aren’t feeling anything spectacular on your date, explain it to them. They will appreciate your honesty, even if it isn’t at that very second.
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