MTV’s reality show, the Jersey Shore, made its raunchy debut and captivated its audience in 2009. However, as much as the world loved to see Snooki show her “coo-ka,” the show destroyed New Jersey’s reputation.  Before the Jersey Shore was blessed with fist bumping and a guide to G.T.L., it was known as a quiet beach town that attracted families to its thrilling boardwalks and beautiful beaches.   Despite what the public has seen on TV, the Jersey Shore is the perfect place to live and here’s why.
1. We’re called the Garden State for a reason.
I bet you didn’t know New Jersey has over 9,000 farms and not one Snooki in sight.Â
2. The Jersey Shore cast isn’t even from New Jersey.
As much as JWOWW and her fellow cast mates claimed that they live for the Jersey Shore, all of them are from New York, except for Sammi who is actually from New Jersey.
3. We’re not all beefed-up, tanned Italians who fist pump until 2 a.m.
I know this one may come as a shock, but the Jersey Shore population does have a variety of nationalities, races, and religions who don’t want to beat their fists in the air like they’re knocking on someone’s door.  We tend to put our pumping fists on our bicycle handles to ride to the beach instead.
4. We don’t beat people up whenever we get a chance to.
Maybe it’s because we’re not in the mood or we grew up with some decency, but we don’t get into physical fights every time we encounter someone we don’t like.  Instead, we relax with our favorite friends at a local pizza restaurant.
5. Unlike what the reality show displayed to the public, the Jersey Shore has other things to do than drink.
We have multiple boardwalks that have really fun rides, games, and even an aquarium.  Yet, they didn’t put that on the show unless the cast had a drink in hand.