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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

I will admit that I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the Student Life Centre. Whether I am studying, eating, or just chilling with friends, I always seem to be in this building. And so, over the years I have picked up some tips and tricks that I’ve decided to share with you. Here’s some things you may not know about SLC:

  1. There are a ton of bookable spaces in SLC – from study rooms, clubs’ spaces like the MPR, and even a piano room! You can book them out at Turnkey for one hour on the day-of or for three hours if you book at least a day ahead of time.

  2. If you can’t find an available outlet while you’re studying you can book out a power bar from Turnkey desk and ask someone next to you to share the outlet. Then everyone wins!

  3. Alternatively, the best place to snag an outlet for yourself is the 3rd floor silent study room. They have an abundance of single cubicles and group tables, as well as comfy couches too.

  4. The SLC has new phone chargers on the walls in the Great Hall and the second floor. You can also book out a charger cube from Turnkey if you have your charging cord with you.

  5. If you’re not a CIBC member but you need to take out cash, you can get cash back by buying something at International News. It’s much better than paying a $3 transaction fee at the ATM.


  1. Campus bubble sells 99 cent soft serve ice cream cones, even cheaper than McDonalds (and they serve it in chocolate and twist flavours too)!

  2. If you are in desperate need of ice cold water you can buy a water bottle at turnkey for 75 cents. It’s hands down the cheapest drink besides free water fountain water.

  3. SLC is also the only place on campus, aside from UW Club, where you can buy food on credit. You can use your credit card at International News, Bombshelter Pub and Campus Bubble.

  4. Turnkey sells discounted movie tickets to Cineplex, Landmark, Apollo, and Princess Cinemas. So you can treat every day like Tuesday!

  5. There are two private washrooms beside Tim Hortons, if you’re not in the mood for lineups in the main floor washroom.

  6. Feds agendas have exclusive coupons for food and shops around Waterloo. They are available for free at the Turnkey desk.

  7. The second floor has two microwaves so you don’t get stuck in line on the first floor waiting for just one.

  8. You can get free menstrual products at the Women’s Center and free condoms at the Glow Center. I mean who doesn’t love free health and hygiene products.

  9. If you happen to find yourself on campus and don’t feel comfortable bussing or taking an Uber home, the Feds off campus shuttle runs from SLC every hour between 7:15pm to 1:15am. FYI, the shuttle only goes to places within a certain boundary – Columbia Street & Fischer-Hallman, to Parkside Drive & Weber Street, to Weber Street & Erb Street, to Erb Street and Fischer-Hallman

  10. Lastly, if you just want to talk to someone about anything at all, you can go to the Women’s Center, the Glow Center, or the CRT office.


I hope these tips make those long days at SLC a little bit better. Happy studying (or not) Warriors!

Chelsey Pangilinan is a French and Business student at the University of Waterloo. She is very obsessed with unicorns and iced coffee drinks.
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!