If you’re like me and like to put on headphones when you’re on public transportation, walking or just don’t want to talk to anyone, then you’ve probably listened to plenty of podcasts. Those who have listened to podcasts know how difficult it can be to find a podcast that goes along with your interests; there’s just so many out there, that it’s impossible to find the best ones. I’ve created a list of intriguing podcasts that cover a wide range of topics, allowing everyone to find something they’ll like. So put on some headphones and check out these six podcasts that will inform, entertain, and help you pass the time.
1. For those that love film: “You Must Remember This”
I’m a total movie nerd, so I really enjoy listening to podcasts about film and film-related topics, and “You Must Remember This” is packed with fun Hollywood history and trivia. The podcast discusses Hollywood’s “Golden Age”, capturing all its glory while also highlighting the pitfalls and scandals of those early years. Topics on the show range from the studio system under MGM to the Hollywood Blacklist to the Charles Manson murders. Host Karina Longworth makes every story interesting and has a clear passion for film that makes listening to her even more entertaining.
2. (More) for those that love film: “The Next Picture Show”
Like I said, I love film, so I just had to throw in another. The hosts of “The Next Picture Show”, film critics Scott Tobias, Tasha Robinson, Keith Phipps and Genevieve Koski, release two episodes every other week discussing a new film in the context of an older classic. The hosts work very well with one another, occasionally disagreeing but always allowing for an open discussion. The episodes also cover almost every genre of film; from their episode on Mulan and Moana to their discussion about Assault on Precinct 13 and Green Room, there’s something for every film lover to enjoy.
3. For those interested in true crime: “Sword and Scale”
True crime seems to be everywhere nowadays, and there are tons of podcasts dedicated to the topic, so it can be difficult to figure out which ones to listen to. “Sword and Scale” is a true crime podcast that promises to “immerse” audiences into the crimes covered. Host Mike Boudet passionately explains every story with energy and a narrative finesse that makes the podcast so strong. WARNING: “Sword and Scale” is not for the faint of heart. In order to “immerse” audiences into the world of true crime, “Sword and Scale” plays news clips, 911 calls and other audio from the crimes.
4. For those into history and horror: “Lore”
Horror podcasts can be difficult to find, but “Lore” manages to be one of the more interesting of the genre out there. “Lore” is based in history, explaining the true stories behind superstitions, myths, and other folklore. Aaron Mahnke draws audiences in with his subdued delivery that allows the stories he tells to stand on their own, without the use of theatrics to make them scary. “Lore” is so good that it’s being turned into a show on Amazon Prime, set to premiere in October.
5. For the career-oriented: “Don’t Keep Your Day Job”
Cathy Heller, host of “Don’t Keep Your Day Job”, believes that it is possible to make a living doing something you love. In the podcast, she interviews people who were able to find success in doing what they love, including Ben Bram of Pentatonix, makeup artist Bobbi Brown and animator and director Saul Blinkoff. “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” provides advice on how to be successful in life and careers and is perfect for college students looking to figure out how to make it out in the real world.
6. For those interested in science: “Science Vs”
“Science Vs” looks to explain the science behind current fads and issues prevalent in the media and public conversation. Host Wendy Zukerman focuses on a wide range of topics, including true love, GMOs, antioxidants and fracking. She makes everything easy to understand and seems truly excited about and interested in her research, making all the complex science more accessible to any listener.