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5 Ways to Break a September Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Getting back into the groove of school again isn’t easy. Here are some tips to start the school year off right.

1.Take time to plan. Whether it’s upcoming assignments, tests, papers or club events, try laying it all out in a planer or calendar. Planning it all out lets you focus on the day to day work while keeping tabs on the big things throughout the semester.


2. Get in a habit of exercising regularly. Use it as a form of stress relief with an added health benefit. Even on days full of procrastination and avoiding responsibilities, working out will make you feel more productive, even if you get nothing else done.


3. Set aside time to study. And this doesn’t just mean right before a big test. Studying a little every day will pay off greatly in the long run.


4. Get enough sleep while you still can! Later in the semester when midterm and final exam season hits you like a brick wall you will look back on all the sleep you could have gotten and kick yourself for not taking advantage of it.


5. Make time for yourself. None of this school stuff matters if you are not okay; that means mentally, physically and emotionally. College is hard and it can seem daunting at times, but know it’s normal to feel like you are in a slump. Step back, breathe, refocus and keep fighting; take time to check in with yourself. After all, your wellbeing is always the most important thing.

Breakfast sandwich enthusiast, dog lover, and writer for Her Campus at Saint Louis University.