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Meet Mckenzie!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Name: Mckenzie Clare

Hometown: Ocean Township, New Jersey

Age: 20, Junior

Major: American Sign Language to English Interpreting and Translating

Activities: Theta Tau Omega


Question Time!!

How come you chose Bloomsburg?

The first time I visited, it felt like home. Plus, they have one of the best ASL programs around here.

What’s your favorite thing about Bloomsburg?

Probably the friends I’ve made here, whether they are my sorority sisters, roommates, classmates, or people I just met.

How long have you been signing?

I started signing my freshman year. I knew nothing before coming here so it’s been a great experience in the program.

What’s your favorite way to pass time?

I’m always super busy but I always make time for the gym. It is a great way to distress.

Where’s your favorite place in Bloom?

Ummmm, there’s so many good ones but I’d have to say Bloom Beach. It was one of the first adventures I went on when I got here.

What’s the best thing about being in a sorority?

TTO is my home away from home.


Quick Q’s:

Favorite Food? Eggs!! With extra cheese

Pet Peeve? Tardiness, even though I’m always late

Favorite Movie? I don’t really have one…

Celebrity Crush? I don’t really have one… wow I’m bad at this

Favorite Animal? My bunny Smores!!


This or That?

Starbucks or Dunkin? Dunkin

Hot or Cold? Cold, if I have someone to cuddle with

Going Out or Staying In? GOING OUT HELLO

Cats or Dogs? DOGS DOGS DOGS

Beach or Mountains? I live at the beach so

Coke or Pepsi? Can I say Propel Water?

Instagram or Twitter? Insta, idk the last time I used Twitter

Mornings or Nights? Anything but the middle of the day

Book or Movie? Books, even though I never have time to read

Pancakes or Waffles? They’re so different but I guess Waffles.

As a senior, double majoring in Public Relations and Organizational Communications, Monica is eager to take on the roles of Campus Coordinator for Bloom U and Campus Trendsetter for HC. Whenever she isn't writing for HC, you can find her filming for the National Broadcast Society, volunteering for the Special Olympics Bocce Bash as Assistant Volunteer Coordinator, or supporting Pura Vida Bracelets as a Company Representative. Outside of her on-campus involvement, Monica enjoys photography, binge watching Netflix, eating Taco Bell, and making people laugh.