Let’s be honest, we all look at our professors on the first day of class and see a huge disconnect between them and us.
You may be sitting in the back of a 200-person class while the professor yells at everyone for having any sort of technology out. Maybe your professor seems really smart and cool but extremely intimidating. No matter the situation, professors are human and important people to connect with during your college experience.
Taking that first step to start a conversation with your professor can seem daunting, but I promise it will be enormously beneficial to establish a relationship between the person at the front of the room and yourself.
Here are five tips on how to spark a connection with your professor early on!
1. Sit in the front of class
This is key! Staying up close and personal will hold you accountable to pay attention in class. This will also give you more opportunity to make eye contact with your professor; as a result, he or she will definitely recognize and remember you more often!
2. Participate
Show your professor you are engaged. You’re smart; you know the answer, show off a little! Not only will you impress your professor and inspire the other students in class, but you’ll also boost your own confidence and speaking skills.
3. Ask questions
The above being said, don’t be afraid to ask questions! Being confused is nothing to be ashamed of. Asking your professor for clarification or elaboration will make him or her a better teacher and make you a better learner.
4. Go to office hours
I can’t stress the value of office hours enough, especially early on in the semester! You might think an individual interaction with a professor is scarier than the nightmare of having all your finals on the same day. However trust me, professors will be much more relaxed and open to conversation in the casual setting of their office. Office hours are great for expressing your interests or concerns about a class, an assignment, an exam, a graduate school, a job, anything! Your professor has made time in his or her schedule just for one-on-ones with students, so use that time to help you.
5. Build a foundation and keep it growing
Commit to developing the relationships with your professors. I’m not saying you should be best friends with all your professors, but focus on a few who you see potential in. Keep in contact even after the semester ends and you’ll always have a resource.
You never know when you might need something from your professor. You need extra help with an exam? A more sympathetic understanding of why you have to miss a class? You may need a future letter of recommendation or a networking opportunity. Also, an internship or job connection for when you’re an upperclassman? Or you just need another resource to talk to? Even with a basic association, you hold some power to take advantage of all your elders have to offer you. Keep these tips in mind and use them every semester. Make your college experience more enriching by reaching out to those who know best. You never know, you may find a lifelong mentor in the process.