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First Week of School: Expectations VS Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

After a long summer break full of beach days, sleeping in and binge-watching Netflix, it’s time for another semester without the end in sight. At the start of a new semester you might have expectations for an ideal first week back, but soon after reality hits you in the face.

Expectation: Being a morning person is hard, especially after getting used to late summer nights, but this semester you’re ready to wake up earlier and be productive.

Reality: Somehow, maybe because you hit the snooze button seven times, you’re stumbling out of bed ten minutes before your first class starts.

Expectation: You made it your goal to look presentable when going to class this semester, especially during back to school week because first impressions, obviously.

Reality: After waking up late and frantically trying to get dressed in the dark, you settle on the same leggings and Victoria’s Secret Pink long sleeve that you wore almost every day last year.

Expectation: Speaking of making it to class on time, this year you are definitely going to make an effort to be one of the first people in class.

Reality: They must have moved the buildings around over summer break because you’re wandering around looking for your classroom and hoping that you don’t walk into the wrong one.

Expectation: Surprisingly, so far, most classes have actually been bearable. Hopefully all of your professors got the memo about the unspoken rule of letting class out early on the first day.

Reality: Of course, there is always one professor who insists on teaching the first day of class and assigning homework over the first weekend back to school.

Expectation: You’re ready to fill a brand new, beautiful planner with stickers and color coding to ensure that this semester you stay on top of your crazy schedule and assignments.

Reality: By the second or third day of school you forgot your planner under a stack of $300 textbooks that are still in the bag from the bookstore. Maybe you’ll find it halfway through the semester.

Expectation: The new semester offers a fresh start for setting lifestyle goals. It’s time to hit the gym between classes and steer clear of fast food.

Reality: You find yourself wondering why you ever thought you would have time to work out this week, much less the rest of the semester. The only workout you will get is running from one side of campus to the other to make it from your dorm to class on time.

Expectation: Thankfully, you have the weekend to look forward to. Oh wait, isn’t that assignment due on Monday?