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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Honesty. That is the one thing that I learned to be most valuble in college. So much of the time we are looking for a way out, a way out of an assignment, a way out of an event…a way out of a relationship or maybe a way into one. I am a first semster senior with one more fall semester to go and as I reflect on my time in college, my biggest lesson learned is honesty. I wish that more times I was more honest with my feelings towards others and how I felt. Not being afriad of perhaps the outcome.

It’s hard to be in college and tell the person you like…well that you like them. I always wanted to play it cool and not scare the person away or make things awkward with a developing friend group. I wish I didn’t let others influence my decision of not being as honest as I could be with myself and my feelings. Maybe you won’t get what you want but at least you did all you could to try and get it.

I made a lot of my decisions based off of a particular person who was always in the back of my mind. They were single, I was single so I always kept out hope that one day I would be good enough. The guy who consumed my subconcious is now dating a girl who was honest with him, who told him how she felt and maybe the results weren’t what she wanted at first but what did she get in the end…him. I always wondered what my life might have looked like now if I was honest with myself and him. I like to think that whether I was honest or not, things happen for a reason and whether I told this person how I felt or not I would most likely still be in the same position I’m in today.

However, that’s not to say as gradution for most senior are only 2 weeks away, just about, I’ve thought to myself this might be my last chance. As I go back and forth with my decisions and my honesty regrets all I can say is that instead of putting your feeligns aside in college put them first. I know for me I always wanted to be cool, calm and collect but college is a time to discover yourself, the things you like and dont like, to transform. It’s easy to play the cool chick, it’s harder to be the honest one. Like the above quote, “Honestly is better then sugar coated bull shit.” We have enough sugar in college dont add it on when it comes to love.