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Reasons I Love & Hate Sundays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

We all know that there’s always two sides to every story, but does that include two sides to every day? In other words, are there reasons to love and hate certain days? Obviously, Mondays suck because they’re a constant reminder of the long, dreadful and busy week that lies ahead before the weekend festivities begin. But have you ever considered whether or not you love or hate Sundays?

Sundays are the one sunny day in Oregon that you love to revel in and soak up some Vitamin D.


  • Because I like brunch
    • Whoever invented the hangover-recovery meal (to catch up with your friends on what really happened last night!) was an absolute genius!
  • Because I get to sleep in
    • Let’s be real, there’s nothing like sleeping in, staying in bed or wearing your pajamas on Sundays. It’s a day dedicated to remaining physically glued to your bed without any shame whatsoever—and no one can take that away from me!
  • Because I get to do what I want
    • It’s a ME day; a day when I can do anything and everything. I can sleep to my heart’s content, dive into a new or favorite novel, binge watch Netflix series, etc. The possibilities are endless! It is ultimately up to ME on how to spend my last free day of the week before madness breaks loose on Monday. Sundays are filled with fun!

(Image source: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12677345_5789527022610…)

On the other hand, Sundays are like your nagging exes—you love to hate them.


  • Because I am whacked in the face with reality
    • Just like how your ex reminds you of the exact reasons why you left in the first place, Sundays remind you of all your real-world responsibilities—like, ew! I don’t need a day to remind me to “adult,” thank you very much!
  • Because I feel unmotivated
    • I don’t want to do anything on my last day off. I don’t want to wake up. I don’t want to study for my upcoming midterm. I don’t want to socialize. I don’t want to clean the house. I simply don’t want to!
  • Because I dread the long week ahead
    • It’s a productive day to get all my stuff done before the start of a new week. I catch up on all my to-do lists and wonder what next week will require of me—ugh!

We have good days, and then we have bad days. To love or not to love all Sundays, that is the question. Keep calm and enjoy this coming Sunday!

Ashley Ferris is an Entertainment Writer for Her Campus Media. Previously Her Campus Oregon chapter's Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief, she's a recent public relations graduate from the University of Oregon. In her free time, Ashley enjoys jamming out to country music, following the latest news on social media and drinking Starbucks coffee on the regular. She loves talking about "Friends" TV show, chocolate candies and anything related to Disney. You can follow her on Twitter @ashleybird17.
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