Stage One:
You realize there is less than a month left of school and you cannot wait for it to be warm, not to think about school and get your tan on.
Stage Two:
After the realization of school being less than a month done you begin to freak out over everything you have to do, homework, projects and of course the dreaded finals.
Stage Three:
Once you begin to work on everything that has just somehow been throw into your life, you relize all the other things you need to accomplish before the semester ends.
Stage Four:
Once you accomplished something off your many list of projects, exams and papers you have to reward yourself with a night out and hanging with friends.
Stage Five:
The caffeine settles in, you’re bags under your turn into what looks like natural to your features, and you kick into a higher gear to finish everything to celebrate the end of the years festivities as you walk out of your last final you are able to breath and relax without school on your mind.Â