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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

It is finally that time of year: the end of the semester. As we prepare to take finals in the next week and a half, things are bound to become stressful! Here are a few tips to make sure that you try not to stress yourself out so much, but make sure to get in a lot of study time so you ace your finals! 


Know Your Limit 

I wrote this in an article earlier this year, but I feel like it is so worth repeating. Studies conducted on college students have shown that around exam time is when students are bound to become sick, so make sure you are focusing on well-being. If you need time to relax go for a run at the gym, a swim, or hang out with some friends. Take a break from studying as your body and mind will thank you. 


Find Place to Study 

There are so many study spots at SU that there is bound to be a place where you like to study. For some people, their bedroom is where they are most effective, but don’t be afraid to venture out and try something new! There are several places on campus to do work like Starbucks, the 

NSC, Fisher, Apfelbaum, and the library which will be running on 24/7-hour access starting April 29th. 

Change Your Study Habits 

Finals requires a different type of studying since you are recalling everything you learned this past semester in a short amount of time. In order to make the grade, be sure to condense notes when you can, go back and read confusing parts of your textbook, switch between subjects that you are studying, and watch videos when you get lost. This will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run. 


Eat Healthier and Take Care of Your Body 

I won’t tell you to down nothing but vegetables, but I will say make smarter choices when choosing food to eat during finals weeks. I love my Ben & Jerry’s but I am also cognizant of making sure that I am getting fruit and healthy foods like granola bars and tea into my body as well. Not only will making smarter eating choices make you feel better, but it will allow you to function properly through those rough testing periods. 


Remember to eat healthy, study hard, and ace those finals!

I am a first-year neuroscience major at Susquehanna. I am also the Events Director at Susquehanna. Some of my passions include dance, helping children, and reading.
I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.