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10 Things you Need to do to Prepare for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Finals week is right around the corner, so here are some tips to help you prepare to make the worst week a college student can have, a little bit better:

1. Stock up on coffee:

    This is a staple. Without it, we die already, so a finals week without it?? Now that would be trouble. 

2. Figure out your best study spot:

    Whether it be your room, your living room, the library, student center, or outside find your study spot and get yourself syked to spend a whole week there.

3. Learn your limits:

    How long can you focus? I’ve figured out my max time of getting things done is 40 minutes at a time, then I need a 15 minute break. Find your limit so you can maximize your time to get your work done faster and more sleep.

4. Get healthy snacks:

    Yes, this is definitely one of the hardest parts. When studying it’s so easy to reach for those peanut butter m&ms and cheetohs, but don’t do it. You’ve been working hard all semester so don’t ruin it now. Get some light popcorn, fruit, nuts, and water.

5. Schedule some “you” time:

    Yes it is finals week, yes there is so much to do, but how can you focus if you don’t give your brain something it likes in return for everything it hates. Make that time, an hour won’t kill you! Go for a walk, hit the mall, get dinner with friends, do something!

6. Try and get things done early:

    Do you have some spare time this weekend? Study early! While you may get to watch one less Netflix episode you will get that extra hour of sleep next week. 

7. Remember, Ryan Gosling thinks we can do it:

And honestly, if he thinks we can, what more motivation do we really need? 

8. Stop complaining:

    We are all culprits of this. But if you really think about it, if we add up the amount of time we spend complaining about all we have to do, then we would actually get a lot done….hmmmmm….

9.Start clearing distractions:

    Get those Insta, Twitter, and Facebook fixes while you can. Plan to focus more on your studying finals week than who is posting what and where. Come on, we can do it, it’s just one week. 

10. Remember, grades AREN’T everything:

    Yes, GPAs are important, yes you want to get into that graduate program…but what is more important? The difference between an A and B+ or your sanity? Think about it, 5 years down the road no one is really going to care what you got in Environmental Politics or Biochemistry. It is what you do with your life afterwards. 

Come on Collegiettes, YOU CAN DO IT! The summer is near, let the countdown begin!

I aspire to be like Audrey Hepburn and Elle Woods, classy and fabulous
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.Â