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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

It’s almost that time to register for classes again. You’re so close to being able to close all your tabs (thanks, DegreeWorks and RateMyProfessor.com). Even though you’ll have to wake up 30 minutes before registration, you know it’ll be worth it so you don’t get that professor that everyone completely blasted on rate my professor and the class facebook page. Registering for classes can be really stressful, but here are some tips to get through the chaos.


Check DegreeWorks

Yes, DegreeWorks is flawed, but for the most part, it’s a great tool. There are really good features like the GPA calculator, the “What If” button and the options you have to fulfill certain requirements. Checking DegreeWorks will help you figure out what you need to take and what things can be put off. It’s a great planning tool.

Go see your advisor

No, seriously. No one wants to make that trip to Hibbs but it’s so worth it. Your advisor will be able to give you valuable information. Plus, they are connected with other people who know answers to questions you don’t even know you have. They’ll force you to have a plan B because let’s be real not everyone gets the classes they wanted.  If you’ve already taken a look at DegreeWorks and have some sort of plan, meeting with your advisor will be a breeze.

Ask around

VCU has over 30,000 students. Don’t be afraid to ask other students who they’ve taken and what their experience are. Students have insight that other staff and admin don’t.

Plan in advance

The early bird really does catch the worm. You need to have at least three schedules locked and loaded and ready to go when it’s your turn to register. The schedule planner tool is really great because it generates THOUSANDS of schedules for you. You can also tell the computer when you don’t want to have a class (bye Friday classes). Also, when it’s time to register all you have to do is “check out” your schedule and with one click of the button, you’re registered for all your classes! It’s so easy.

Holding Classes

If you have upperclassmen friends who can register before you, they can hold a seat for you. Just ask them to register for that class and then when it’s your turn to register they can drop the class and you can snag the seat. Everybody wins!

Terrina is a VCU student who enjoys complaining about how country Richmond is. She is a major foodie and  serious Netflix binger. She's also really black and really proud. 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!