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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Image belongs to the National Sexual Violence Research Center.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and here at Georgia College we’re lucky to have a wonderful and active Women’s Center as well as the student-led Project BRAVE program to recognize it. These institutions have planned many programs throughout April to bring attention to the human rights issue of sexual violence. Here are a few of the events put on by Project BRAVE during the second half of April.

  • April 17: Screening and Discussion of The Line
  • 7pm; A&S 3-64


  • April 18: Step Up Bystander Intervention Training
  • 5:30-9:00; The HUB (Blackbridge Hall)



  • April 20: History of Sexual Assault Pannel
  • 6pm; A&S Auditorium


  • April 21: Ally Training
  • 2:30-6:30; location TBA


  • ABC Party featuring BRAVEheart
  • 11pm; Buffington’s




  • April 28-29: 1 In 4 Men’s Training
  • Time TBA; The HUB (Blackbridge Hall)

Sexual assault is an injustice that affects all of us. Remember to raise your voices and be BRAVE this month and every month, Bobcats!

Emma is a freshman Rhetoric major at GCSU. She loves David Bowie, the Muppets, Walt Disney World, and countless 80s cult movies. When she's not doing homework, you can find her journaling, watching Netflix, eating Halloween candy, or getting down in Zumba class at the Wellness Center! You can follow her on Instagram @razzleydazzley.