Are you crushing on someone right now? Are they sending you mixed signals or taking their sweet ole’ time asking you out? Who said you have to wait for them to make the first move? In case you were looking for a reason to make the first move, I’ve compiled a whole list of great reasons. Carpe diem!
1. Men can take forever to make up their minds.
I know, it sounds counterintuitive considering all the jokes made about indecisive women, but sometimes men drag their feet on making the decision to be committed. Even if it’s just a first date, you can bet that they’ve spent some time thinking (and probably overthinking) if they should ask and if you’d even want to go.
2. Maybe they feel like you’re sending them mixed signals.
Do you flirt with them? Do you flirt with anyone else while they’re around? Do you admire them from afar? If you’re not showing him that you’re definitely interested, he might hesitate to make the first move. No one likes rejection, and he might not be ready to take that risk. The best way to clarify your feelings about him? Ask him out!
3. His friends might be giving him a hard time about it.
You might be thinking, “I don’t want to date anyone who is embarrassed about dating me,” and I get it. He’s probably not embarrassed by you, but his friends may give him a hard time for expressing sentimental thoughts about you or wanting to actually date you. College hookup culture can put a lot of pressure on men to avoid discussing any sort of relationship that means more than a friends-with-benefits situation. Give him the option to pursue that avenue without taking crap from his friends by asking him out!
4. He might not be expecting you to be interested in him.
Shockingly, many men don’t consider that women are just as interested in sex as they are. If you’re interested in a more casual relationship, you might have to make the first move, especially if you’ve hung out platonically in the past. In the interest of not being misconstrued as a perverted a**, they might not be ready to make the first move. Making sure, of course, that you have consent, start the conversation about taking your friendship to another level.
5. It might be the push he needs to realize that he’s into you.
Sometimes guys don’t realize how into they are until someone calls attention to it. You taking initiative and asking him out might let him realize just how badly he wants to say yes, or it will give him another opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with you and get to know you better. Also remember the nervousness you feel about asking him out is probably the same way he feels about asking you!
The worst he can say is no! Don’t be afraid to get out there and get what you want.
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