We live in a time where judgments are the first thoughts in our head when we see someone. We tend to be judgmental about almost everything, and everyone…but why? Why is our first instinct to judge another woman? How can we have this so called “women empowerment” going on if we, women, don’t live it out? We need each other to build one another up and support each other.
When we are influenced or inspired in our future goals, who do we strive to be like? Don’t a lot of us have “I want to be like her when I grow up” thoughts? We look up to other women, we learn from them, and we are influenced by the women around us. This doesn’t apply to everyone of course, but think of our moms! When we were younger, we probably strived to be just like our moms.
Who else knows what we feel…but other women? Yes, men are able to sympathize, but women are able to empathize with more of the situations that we as women experience. We are able to lift one another up through supporting, standing with one another, and encouraging. It is a beautiful thing when we can all come together and just embrace each other.
Going back on judgment, it usually happens out of pride, insecurity, and jealousy. We have to remember that in this world we have our given-gifts, some more than others, and ALL GIFTS are necessary and important. We all need each other for this world to be a working/running place. Without one part, other parts will stop working. Therefore, we should all build each other up in our gifted/talented areas and not look down on someone, nor look at someone with hatred.
We all have our sufferings and the battles we are fighting. We all have stories no one knows about. Of course, some are luckier than others and have less hardships, but all in all, everyone goes through things and we are to love on one another as much as we can.
One woman’s success is another woman’s inspiration. We should embrace and empower one another as we do life in this world together.