What better way to see the world and experience a new culture than with a group of people your age, all while obtaining college credit. One of the best decisions a college student can make is to study abroad at least once. Taking courses abroad can strengthen your resume, help you get out of your comfort zone, and make you more responsible. According to an article published on The Huffington Post, The Top 10 Most Popular Study Abroad Cities, London, England topped the list. Here are a few reasons that will encourage you to visit your university’s study abroad office.Â
No Language Barrier
As an American student, language will not be an issue. Even though London is a highly diverse city that welcomes visitors of all cultures and backgrounds, English is the main language. This allows students to communicate and converse with the locals.
Rich in History
London is an extremely historical city. Almost every corner has historical significance, and there are various tours and guided trips to choose from. Some of the must-see landmarks include The Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and many more.
When talking about the food scene, one of the first things that come to mind might be the classic fish and chips, but London offers its tourists all kinds of food. There is definitely something for everyone.
And of course, the unforgettable Nando’s Chicken! Everyone in England is obsessed over this Portuguese chicken restaurant. As a student abroad trying to save money, this affordable restaurant might become your go-to dinner place.
Great Public Transportation
Getting around this large city can be surprisingly easy, and the Oyster Card will become your best friend. This card gives you access to the tube, bus, and tram, and the best part about this is the discount students receive.
Lifelong Friendships
At the beginning of the trip, everyone starts as strangers; however, you soon create a group of close friends and get to experience everything with them, whether it’s new food, visiting landscapes, or roaming the streets of this beautiful city.