1. My Bed Courtesy: Giphy
A person’s relationship with their bed is unlike any other. When you are sitting there in an 8:00 AM class and your professor is lecturing with enthusiasm, I am that person sitting in the back row actively holding my eyes open and trying my best not to fall asleep. The same goes for that 4:30 PM class that you have to sit through while everyone else is relaxing in their rooms after their long days. All you can think about is how amazing it would be if you could just sprint all the way back to your bed. Can’t national nap day be everyday?
2. The Dining Hall Courtesy: Giphy
For us first years out there, the dining hall is a huge part of our daily lives. It is ultimately where we do so many more things than actually eat. You run into practically everyone you know there, you cram for a midterm because if you go back to your room you will fall asleep, you hide from society as you watch Netflix in the vegetarian section, and of course, you eat. The food isn’t that of a five star restaurant, but you kind of have to eat there anyway. When you are in class and a professor is lecturing you about something, be it interesting or not, it has happened to us all when your stomach starts to grumble and is trying to tell you that it needs food NOW. And let’s face it, the grumbling isn’t always subtle or quiet, but at least you bring enjoyment to those around you.
3. Back Home with your Friends
Courtesy: Tumblr
When you are bored and are forced to resort to Instagram during class and you get stuck. You kind of want to drop everything and run (or swim) back home to be with your friends. Snapchat and Instagram may keep you informed as to what everyone else is doing, but let’s face it, it makes you want to bawl your eyes out because it reminds you of everything you are missing out on. Social media has got me wondering if I could hide in some random person’s luggage and sneak on a flight home just so I could be with those I love.
4. The University your Best Friend Decided to go to Courtesy: Gurl.com
We all have bad days, many of them involve getting back your grades for a particular exam and often they are not what you hoped. These are the moments during which you long for your best friend. More often than not, you are sitting in class with a bunch of people wishing one of them was that one person that always knew how to make you feel better, until of course, they decided to go to a university across the country, or in my case halfway across the world. In class is when you are texting them on your laptop when you should really be taking notes, but you are wishing that you had a teleportation device to take you to them or that you would’ve gone to a school closer to them. You just want to eat ice cream, watch a movie, go out and party, just sit there, or whatever it is you two do to cheer up.
5. At the Library Courtesy: CosmoUK
This rare occasion of longing is during one of two events: midterm week and finals week. These are the moments in which we believe that there is nothing on the entire planet more important than cramming for that exam we all know you should have started studying for earlier. The stress is beginning to rise and you are beginning to feel like you should have finished those two chapters rather than watching 4 shows back to back. You are sitting there replaying every moment of time you have wasted over the last couple of days, wishing that you weren’t such a procrastinator.
6. On the Beach Courtesy: Tumblr
This is one of the hardest parts of living in Boston: the cold. You are going through the old photos on your phone, reminiscing about all those times you and your friends spent the entire day in the water and then tanned on the beach. You miss the sandcastles, even though you are adults. You miss the music. Most of all you miss the good company. You get to walk around barefoot and no one judges you. You are longing for the heat and wishing you went somewhere with warmer weather and open water that is swimmable.
7. Reading a Good Book Courtesy: Giphy
This is a struggle that I always have, which is finding the time to read that amazing book you started. You are sitting there in class after somehow making it through last night’s enormously long reading and you are wondering why the hell you have done this to yourself. You could of just decided to not get a higher education, travel the world, and read all the books you want. Or you just want to ditch class and find out what happens in the next chapter. This may be something that only book worms and nerds like me understand, but trust me it is a real struggle.
8. With your Dog Courtesy: Barkpost
For those of us who are animal lovers, there is nothing in the entire world harder than being away from your family pet. Your dog is your best friend. They lick your face when you are crying, hide that one top you love more than anything, and eat any food that they find on the ground. I personally FaceTime my pet everyday, but it still isn’t the same. Sitting there in class, you are wishing you were hugging your pet and not your textbook because there is no room for everything on your desk. Your dog is your family, but the family that you can’t miss less when you talk on the phone with them. It breaks your heart when they cry at the sound of your voice.
9. At the Movies Courtesy: Msecnd
We all know that horrible week when the movie you have been waiting for a year has finally come out, but you have had such a busy day so you weren’t able to sneak away from campus during the day and get there before everyone else gets off work. The struggle is real. You just want to get out of class and run to the theatre and see that movie with your favorite actor that just came out before anyone else can see it. You either don’t want someone to spoil the ending for you, or you just can’t wait until you get there and see it for yourself. But you know that come hell or high water, you will go see that movie, so why the hell did you decide to go to class instead of ditch?
10. In the Bathroom Courtesy: Pinimg
The hardest struggle of all: peeing. You are sitting there in class, when suddenly it dawns on you that you really need to go to the the bathroom. But when you estimate the time it will take you to run there and run back, you realize that there is no possible way you won’t miss something important. You are debating whether you should make a run for it or try to hold it in until the end of class. This is the hardest struggle of all, because you are wondering whether your professor is going to decide to solve that one problem you have been stuck on for a week or just answer lame questions that will be of no use to you. You are starting to sweat and stress out, but you have decided to hold it. The question is how long can you hold it in?
Courtesy: Attn