Meet sophomores Matt Lind, Brendan Kennedy, and Logan Donough. Matt studies forensic psychology, Brendan studies T.V. production, and Logan studies forensic chemistry. These three boys are best friends and absolutely hilarious. Check out their answers to the following “Would You Rather?” questions!
Her Campus (HC): “Would you rather have (1) hair nowhere on your body or (2) be very hairy all over and not be able to shave?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “One for sure—hair is so gross!”
HC: “Would you rather have (1) a Lamborghini, mansion, and hot wife or (2) a book case with 9,000 books and infinite knowledge?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “Is that even a real question? One. I’ll take the knowledge I have now!”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or (2) get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) live in the wilderness far from civilization or (2) live on the streets of New York City as a homeless person?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) never use social media sites and apps again or (2) never watch a movie or TV show again?”
Matt: “One because then I can binge watch everything on Netflix.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have free food and clothes or (2) free gas and rent?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) give up bathing for a month or (2) give up the internet for a month?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have a flying carpet or (2) a car that can drive underwater?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “One, so I can fly over people and drop water balloons on their heads.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) get five dollars for every song you sang in public or (2) 50 dollars for every stranger your kiss?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have to fart loudly once every time you have a serious conversation or (2) burp after every kiss—even after your wedding vows?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have sandpaper as toilet paper or (2) no have toilet paper at all?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather have (1) a combination of ketchup, maple syrup, and mayo serve as your only hair product or (2) lick a hobo’s toe?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “Two.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have no eyebrows or (2) a constant, noticeable unibrow?”
Matt: “Two.”
Brendan: “Two.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) walk around school for the whole day without realizing there is a giant brown stain on the back of your pants or (2) realize the deadline for an important paper was due yesterday and now you’re probably going to fail the class?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “One.”
HC: “Would you rather (1) have chapped lips that never heal or (2) terrible dandruff that can’t be treated?”
Matt: “One.”
Brendan: “One.”
Logan: “One.”
These 3 goofballs are always a good time! It’s impossible to be bored around them. Thanks for being good sports, guys!