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Midterms Procrastination Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

So, midterms are almost over.  THANK GOD.  I decided to put together a list of the music I’ve been listening to in order to get me motivated to actually study for my exams and in preparation for Spring Break and all the sleeping and relaxing (and homework due the week after smh) I will be doing in a few days!  Hopefully these songs will give you joy and inspired to get through the next two days of midterms!


1: John Mayer’s The Search for Everything Waves One and Two.  JOHN MAYER IS BACK BABY!  I have loved John Mayer’s music for a long time, and this project is no exception.  Lots of chill vibes hang out in this music.

2: The Hamilton Soundtrack (duh).  I’ve specifically been loving Helpless, Say No to This, and Wait For It because they are some of the more upbeat tracks and make me feel less sad than some of the other tracks.  Would not recommend listening to this soundtrack while paper writing, it took all of my focus away from any sort of analysis.

3: LANY’s kinda.  This band has a very cool electronic sound that I appreciate, and the singer sounds like he’s probably really attractive.

update: HE IS

4: Beyoncé’s Standing on the Sun Remix.  I finally listened to the extra tracks at the end of all of Beyoncé’s deluxe albums, and this one has definitely got me in the mood for spring and just a generally good mood because Beyoncé, obviously.

5: Warm by SG Lewis.  I only know one song by this UK artist, but this song has been on my playlist for over a month.  Still hasn’t gotten old.

6: Green Light by Lorde.  Yes, it just came out today.  Yes, I am already obsessed with it. !!!!

7: The xx’s I See You.  This album, and the xx in general, is great for studying because it lends itself to actual productivity while being played.

8: Shining by DJ Khaled, Beyonce, and Jay-Z.  The fact that this song came out the night of the Grammys makes the petty side of me very happy, and it’s also just a generally kick-ass tune, regardless of Khaled’s random interjections.

9: Soon or Never by Punch Brothers.  The Punch Brothers are a super cool bluegrass-y band and their songs make me feel very melancholic and dramatic when I’m walking to class.  This one is from an older album of theirs and is beautiful and poignant, just like them.

Hopefully some of my music suggestions resonate with you and make your life more beautiful, as music always does! 

Hi! I'm Sarah Johnson, and I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Rhodes! I am a senior at Rhodes from Little Rock, AR. I am a Music major, I am a Research and Writing Fellow in the Curb Institute and I sing in the Women's Chorus. In my spare time I like to sleep, eat various snack foods, and watch beauty bloggers on YouTube. My main area of expertise is fashion. My personal style is definitely on the hip side of things, and my pattern of choice is stripes. Thirfting is my number one passion, and I hope to never pay full price for an item of clothing until I can actually afford it. I’ve recently noticed that I almost exclusively wear neutrals, which I am trying to remedy with the purchase of color, but it’s not working very well for me. I hope you all enjoy the articles I write and remember to always be cute!