In relationships, women love receiving the “just because” edible arraignments, chocolate covered strawberries, and their favorite candies and treats; but are the spontaneous edible gifts and restaurant outings causing weight gain?
Many women are beginning to complain about “relationship weight.” The extra weight women begin to see usually a couple months of being heavily involved with a significant other. According to DailyMail, about a year into a relationship is when most people start to see a change in their average size.
It’s many factors within a relationship that can cause weight gain, but surprisingly in recent scenarios happiness is the case. When we think of women gaining weight while in a relationship our first mindset is to believe the woman is stressed. The infamous stress eating is usually the cause in almost every women’s cycle of gaining weight. But this time it’s our happiness to blame for the annoying bloating, new found love-handles, and unexpected gut.
Women are gaining weight during long-term relationships because they’ve found a partner that gives them a sense of comfort. These women can enjoy a greasy slice of their favorite pizza without any feeling of embarrassment. Besides, after six months to a year he probably doesn’t mind that you put on a little weight because 9 times out of 10, he also put on a few pounds himself while sitting right beside you stuffing his face.
As women once we’ve found that special someone who can make you feel like a queen even on your worst hair days, then appearance no longer plays a major role. Sure, as women we’re still willing to go the extra mile somedays to actually look presentable for our baes. But after we realize that they love us for not only our beautiful faces but as well the wonderful feeling they receive from being around us, then some things don’t really matter as much.
Now I’m not telling anybody to let themselves go but if you begin to recognize the extra weight then maybe you should make a change. For instance, tell him that you’ll cook dinner in the house instead of heading to your favorite spots, or try an active date where the two of you can get some physical activity into your schedules.
In a true relationship, you both will experience changes, some physical and emotional, but ladies don’t allow the extra pounds to lower your self-confidence. At the end of the day you either have a guaranteed gym partner or the best eating buddy in the whole world.