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Why It’s Important To Be Content But Also Strive For Improvement

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

It’s easy for people to forget that time isn’t infinite and there is an end to all the madness. A well-known fact about life we get reminded of often is that you only live once (YOLO) and time is of essence. That’s why it’s so important to live in the present. But of course, there’s no handbook on how to live life right, so it’s important for us to understand that there are times when we need to move on from something to better things, even if it’s difficult.

It’s a lot easier said than done to understand how to live in the present and to be content while making sure you are living at your best potential. To be content, you must live every day with a positive mind and believe that you are where you’re supposed to be. We get so caught up in to-do lists and checking things off, we often forget to slow down and just breathe. I remember in high school, I didn’t have happiness or contentedness at the top of my priority list. I often thought, “In college, I’ll be happy and stress free,” but I was wrong. There’s always going to be things we need to deal with, no matter what stage in life we are in. But the obstacles we run into should not keep us from being happy.

While it’s essential to be content always, it’s also vital to remember that life is always moving, so change is going to happen. We learn new things every day, big and little, and it’s crucial that we use those lessons to better our lives and who we are. Things can change abruptly or slowly and surely. Sometimes, without even noticing, life is completely different than the way it was yesterday, and that’s okay. Change can be intimidating, but we must understand that it’s necessary for life to get better. Sometimes we can control change and sometimes we can’t, but it’s important for us to adapt and strive to improve our lives. Throughout life, we learn how to be a better friend, family member, worker and person. The changes that happen in life shape us into better people, and that’s why change leads to improvement.

Life moves very quickly. One minute, you’re excited to move out of the house and the next, you’re getting ready for your interview for a career you’ve been tirelessly working for. It’s imperative that we live every day well, while letting change happen as we progress through different stages of life. That’s what makes life fun and every person unique.