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Why You SHOULD Buy Girl Scout Cookies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

It’s that time of year again, not spring time, spring break season, or the end of cuffing season. Its Girl Scout cookie time. In previous years I had avoided these adorable little girls like the plague. I did not want to be pressured into buying three boxes of cookies that I would eat by the end of the week. While I was previously boycotting the savory sweets, this year I decided to buy a box and I think everybody should.

Yummy cookies, scrumptious prices

Part of the reason I avoided this seasonal item is that I thought they were too expensive. When I was a Girl Scout, I thought they were around $8 a box, so I was surprised to find out they are only $4! While they may not be as cheap as a pack of Oreos or Chips Ahoy, just think of what you are paying for. Also, one serving of cookies is 160 calories at most. That’s ONLY 1,280 calories per box! Pro tip, throw a box of thin mints in the freezer for a perfect snack in the summer. 

Girl Scouts Are Awesome

All the little girls are so sweet and cute. If they hit their sales goals they get to go on a club trip at the end of the season. I remember one year, my whole Girl Scout troop met our goals and were able to take a trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop (at seven years old, this was a BIG deal). By setting goals these little girls must find ways to achieve their goals before a deadline which is not only fun, but that can also benefit them in the future. Girl scouts are also able to network with other wonderful girls who have the same passions. 

The Whole Organization is Wonderful

It may only box of cookies to you but it does so much more. The funds from cookie sales go towards community projects, summer camp, and charitable donations. The charitable donations stay local and could go towards women’s help shelters and childcare services, as stated on the Girl Scouts of the USA website.

By buying one (or two) boxes of delicious Girl Scout cookies, you are helping the girls develop into strong, responsible women as well as helping the women in your area.


Rachael Lowe was born in northern Indiana (the Region) and was raised knowing she would be attending Purdue. As a third generation Boilermaker she is majoring in Agricultural Economics and minoring in Communications. Her passions are traveling, wine, and puppies. In her free time she likes to craft, paint, have a nice glass of moscato, watch movies with friends, and bake. When Rachael graduates in May of 2018 she plans on having as much fun as she did in college. Follow her on Instagram @rachael03
Jennifer Rowella is from Ridgefield, Connecticut. She is a junior at Purdue University studying Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences and is the Senior Editor of Her Campus Purdue. Jennifer enjoys reading, cooking, watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix, and being a part of various clubs on campus.