When I transferred to UIC as a junior, I literally did not know anyone who went to the school except my best friend Alex who I have known since I was in 7th grade. I was that transfer student who went to class, work, and then home. Nothing changed that routine. I was not content with my social life at UIC and wanted to make this the best experience I possibly could. So walking through The Quad during my fall semester about a year ago, there were all these girls with what seemed to be Greek letters scattered around. Smiles and upbeat conversations surrounded me. I happened to pass by a table with a sign that said: “Chi Sigma Omega.” Curious enough, I stopped and talked to a few girls, told them I wanted to be more involved and didn’t even know UIC had Greek Life. So I wrote down my email and exchanged smiles.
The Ice Cream Social was a day or two later, so Alex and I went and went by the Chi Sigma Omega table and talked to this girl named Madeleine whose passion about this organization was written all over her face. She was so interested in getting to know us and what exactly we looked for in an organization, which I thought was super interesting and really refreshing. Talking to her and seeing that their organization was completely and totally community service based was incredible. I have this notion that sorority girls were these stuck up people who just partied all the time. But these girls were super passionate about their philanthropies that included working with the Canine Society, working at the Ronald McDonald House, and assisting the MS Society and doing their walk every year.
To say the least, I fell in love with this organization and their principles. I was able to take part in their new member process, learned so much about the sorority, the sisters and the alumni who built such a beautiful foundation to an amazing sisterhood, and lastly, I learned so much about myself. Looking back at this, I couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of Chi Sigma Omega. I’ve become so much more confident within myself, I have close friends that I know for a fact will be at my wedding if some crazy man wants to marry me, have a little who looks up to me and a big who is so proud of me,  I have developed connections with people from other organizations that I never knew I would, and I got to take on leadership positions within the chapter. Being a ‘sorority girl’ has allowed me to grow in so many ways. I’ve found how to time manage, I’ve developed a love for Chicago, I love my school, I love the girls surround me and I love myself.
These girls encouraged me to be myself and love myself and honestly, I couldn’t be more blessed. A sorority is not what you think it is, it is a sisterhood, a lifelong bond, community service and loving on people and your sisters as much as you possibly can. It opens doors and opens your heart. To say the least, I love being a sister of Chi Sigma Omega and encourage girls to find their home.