With the height of flu season on us it seems like everyone around campus is coughing and sniffling. Getting sick is the WORST and usually means missing classes and spending days in bed. Here are some tips to survive SJU cold and flu season!
1. Avoid Sourin like the plague.
The Health Center in Sourin is great if you’re sick, but if you’re healthy stay far far away from there. The last thing you need to do is expose yourself to more sick people.
2. If your roommate is sick, Lysol EVERYTHING you share.
3. Eat healthy.
Eating a nutritional meal in college can be hard, but it will save your body from cold and flu season.
4. Sleep. A lot.
If you can go to bed before midnight a few nights a week, your immune system will love you!
5. Have hand sanitizer on hand at all times.
Cold and flu season gives you an excuse to buy all the fun hand sanitizers at Bath & Body Works.
6. Emergen-C will save your life!
Just when you start feeling sick Emergen-C can fight off that cold and keep you going strong. Nip your cold in the butt!
If you’re already sick, we wish you a quick recovery! If you’re still healthy, best of luck surviving the SJU flu season!