Everyone has that urge to binge watch a blood wrenching-love enduring show. The Vampire Diaries is just that; especially on those nights when you crave your favorite foods and that special somebody, a.k.a. the “cuddle buddy” (who is currently either unavailable or nonexistent). Now that The Vampire Diaries is completely coming to an end this 2017, it’s time to look back on the most important things we have learned from this gripping show. I know from my past that it isn’t hard to get attached to this show because it truly becomes a remarkable journey through each character’s life.
Lesson 1: Love can be worth every minute of it.
When isn’t there a love triangle, a sad break up, or just a shocking death of a loved one in each season? I learned that just because falling in love can be tricky – a.k.a. falling in love with your brother’s girlfriend- or if you just aren’t completely right for that certain somebody, there is always TIME to go for it. Time to embrace the feelings and to let life surprise you with the love that you deserve. I mean, Damon met Elena first in that parking lot and after waiting for a couple of months, she truly let herself fall in love. However, be careful for those evil heretics. They may end up coming out of nowhere and put a spell on you that destines you asleep forever.
Lesson 2: We all may or may not have a doppelganger.
Doppelgangers or not; I learned that even if there is any chance of someone out there in the world that may slightly resemble you, you are JUST you. There isn’t anybody like you. So work with what you got. Love yourself. Let yourself embrace your flaws because you are created to be who you are, and not to compare yourself to others. Elena did a lot of comparing herself to Katherine, but we all know Elena and Katherine are nowhere near alike.
Lesson 3: Being someone’s ex doesn’t mean you can’t be friends.
Through horrible breakups and even one-night stands, two individuals can still come out as friends. There might be some slight tension but the memories between the two of you have been made. You can live on with each other and still care because there is nothing wrong with still being there for someone that it just wasn’t meant to be with… even it was pretty steamy.
Lesson 4: Trust has to be earned- Bonnie and Damon.
Getting stuck in a prison world may seem like the worst way to spend your days, but clearly it sparked a newfound friendship between Bonnie and Damon, who we know were never really “friends” at first. Sometimes, people will put up a guard to protect themselves from being hurt, because usually they have been hurt in the past. So be patient with everyone, because friendship bonds are work. They don’t come easy.
Lesson 5: Don’t be afraid.
An accumulating problem in the show is how many of the characters lose family and friends that are so dear to them, which basically occurs in every season. In life, it is extremely hard when a loved one passes on. It is one of the worst feelings any human will have to endure, but I learned that we shouldn’t be afraid to keep living. It may be your loved one’s time or it could be a shocking accident but there is always a plan. Even though it seems so scary taking on the world without them, you are strong. You can breathe and focus on the life you were dealt because the memories with those special people will make you stronger.