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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.


Valentines Day is a time to show your significant other how much you care about them! Here are some cute and easy gift ideas.


Flowers and Chocolate


You can never go wrong with giving this gift. It’s bound to make anyone smile.


Reasons Why


Pick any number lets say 50 and on tiny pieces of paper write all the reasons why you love or care for your significant other. Put the pieces of paper in a jar and write 50 reasons why I love you on the top.


Scavenger Hunt


Make up clues and put them at different locations such as places that have value to your relationship (place where your first date was, favorite park, etc.). Make the ending clue be where you guys can have a date to end the night such as your favorite ice cream place!


Candy Quotes


Put a basket of your significant others favorite candy together and using the names of the candy write sweet messages!


Better than chocolate valentines heart?


If your significant other is 21 or over instead of giving them a chocolate heart, mix it up with mini bottles of their favorite alcohol and write the cute message shown above in the photo.

Senior at Manhattanville College. Class of 2018. Marketing major with a Finance concentration and Management minor. Treasurer of the Manhattanville Hercampus chapter.