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Isabella Stork ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Name: Isabella (Izzy) Stork

Year: Junior/class of 2018

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Majors/Minors: Psychology and Anthropology majors, HSSP minor


Her Campus Brandeis: What are you involved in on campus?

Isabella Stork: I have been an orientation leader for Fall 2015, Spring 2016, and Spring 2017 and I am the Co-President of Company B, an oldies a cappella group.

HC: You studied abroad last semester–where did you go and what was your favorite part of the experience?

IS: It was amazing! I lived in Maastricht, Netherlands but I travelled to 12 countries and 22 different cities. Everything was so incredibly beautiful it was mindblowing! I think one of my favorite parts was being able to meet people from all over the world, and now I have friends (that I miss a ton!) from the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and around the US.

HC: Since you were a midyear, and you’ve been a midyear orientation leader, what advice would you give to the midyear class of 2020?

IS: I would say to not be afraid to join groups and to get involved. There are so many opportunities here at Brandeis, so don’t be afraid to join a random club that you never thought you would join. Also take advantage of the cookies and ice cream and make ice cream sandwiches.

HC: What is one of your favorite Brandeis memories so far?

IS: Honestly, I love This is Our House. I have gone through four of them and the Chubb Chubbs never get old.

HC: What is your favorite song to perform with Company B?

IS: I love performing my solo, “The Very Thought of You” and it took me a long time to enjoy singing a solo, but my group was so supportive and really helped me get over my stage fright, so it’s great to be able to share the stage with them for my song. Singing “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” is a true favorite though.

Quick Facts

Favorite food: AVOCADOS/gnocchi/bubble tea/French pastries

Favorite singer/band: 30 Seconds to Mars and all showtunes

Favorite spot in Boston: I love the Boston Commons, but I have a special place in my heart for the the restaurant/bakery Flour (check it out!!)

Sherman or Usdan: Upper Usdan


Photos courtsey of Isabella Stork and Brandeis OrientationÂ