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Single on Valentines Day?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

The day many people love to dread is quickly approaiching. It’s almost Valentine’s Day. This is the time where couples post pictures and Flipagrams on social media, buy gifts and go on extra extravagant dates. Some love it and others equally hate it. Why exactly is there so much hate for what should be a beautiful day for all?


If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, what do you gain from being bitter and demeaning other couples? I’ve been single my entire life (yes, my entire life) and I always looked at Valentine’s Day as not only a beautiful day to celebrate love, but it’s hope for the future. You won’t be single forever, unless it’s by choice. Enjoy your single life now, because one day you will have to put the energy you’re only putting into yourself into someone else as well. Additionally, that energy that you should be putting in yourself shouldn’t be used to put down happy couples. Being upset at others for celebrating Valentine’s Day is like someone being mad at you for posting a picture of your turkey and dressing on Thanksgiving. You should be able to do what makes you happy on a holiday that is special to you, so let them do the same!


Let this Valentine’s day be your day to yourself. Besides, you should have a little extra in your pockets now, since you aren’t spending money on anyone for V-Day. Pamper yourself, get your nails and feet done, buy yourself a few gifts. It is essential to first love yourself before loving someone else, anyway. I would much rather be single and happy, than taken and miserable. You can also try to round up a few friends who are single as well, and have a girls’ night. No thinking about guys, relationships or anything of the sort: just you and your girls! There is a lot that you can do on Valentine’s Day besides being envious or bitter toward couples celebrating their love.


This Valentine’s Day, I challenge my fellow single sisters out there to enjoy where you are in life right now and just imagine where your happiness now can take you in the future. Sit in front of the television or your laptop, watch a few movies on Netflix, order some good food and just enjoy the company of yourself. Contrary to popular belief, there is beauty in being alone. Also, understand that just because you are alone (as in in your room by yourself), does not mean that you are lonely. There is a peacefulness that exists while you are relaxing with no one else around. It’s judgment free, you can laugh, cry or scream and no one will judge you.


Don’t think of February 14, 2017 and a dreadful day where you have think about how you’re single and have nothing to do. To be honest, it would be like that on any other day, and if you dread every day that you’re single the same way that you dread Valentine’s Day, it is time to get your priorities and your happiness in check. Think of this day of love as another day to continue to love yourself.


Kyla L. Wright is a sophomore journalism major, marketing minor at Hampton University. Born and raised in the city of Detroit, Kyla was fortunate to receive many opportunities to be a spokesperson for the many organizations that she was apart of -- which is how she discovered her passion for writing and public speaking. In high school, Kyla took many journalism classes, attended journalism-based camps, and even won journalistic awards. Upon entering college, Kyla jumped into her field rather quickly. She thrived in her journalism classes at Hampton, began writing for her university newspaper, the Hampton Script, and even started her own blog, which could be found at thedreamdiaries.wordpress.com . Recently, Kyla was honored to find out she had made the list of "Hampton U Brands" for being a blogger on campus. Kyla is very active on her campus, as she's a member of the SGA's Women's Caucus, a Resident Assistant (RA), and of course is a YouTuber and writer for HerCampus. Upon graduation from Hampton, Kyla would like to attend The University of Georgia or The University of Oxford. Ultimately, Kyla wants to use her voice as a journalist to give back to her community and bring others up with her. She loves seeing others succeed, especially young women who are told that they cannot.