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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Landing that desired internship is one of the most rewarding experiences in the life of a collegiate. However, even after going through the application process, killing the interviews, and receiving that congratulations e-mail, the need to make a good impression at that internship is of the most importance. This includes the ways in which you are dressing for your internship!

I am currently working for the Siena College Liberal Arts office as the Social Media/ Communications Intern and although my boss is not too strict about dressing up, I truly enjoy doing so. I have found that dressing up for an internship, whether you are required to or not, is a fantastic idea because doing so not only makes you look professional, but it also makes you feel much more confident! Here are a few of my best tips on how to successfully dress for an internship, tips that I have quickly gained throughout this semester.

1) Back to Basics 

One thing I’ve learned in terms of dressing up for an internship is to always start with the basics. Grab your favorite basic black dress or a simple pair of dress pants to start off your outfit for the day! You can pair either with a cute blazer or cardigan to add some color and don’t be afraid to don a pair of simple heels! Your outfit will be professional, but super fashionable and you’ll soon find yourself excited to put outfits together each day! I always go to TJ Maxx/ Marshalls and H&M for professional wear because they always have so many options to choose from. The prices are wicked affordable and you’ll always be able to find that simple, but professional outfit that will give you the needed boost of confidence!


2) The Night Before

In order to save time in the morning, I have started choosing my outfits for my internship the night before. I have unfortunately learned the hard way that rushing to find an outfit in the morning NEVER works! Companies notice when their interns run out of time to find a professional outfit in the morning and to some employers, this could misrepresent the intern as being unprofessional.  Choosing an outfit the night before is a great way to not only prove to your boss that you are ready and willing to take on the tasks at hand, but it will also give you that confidence boost to succeed fully at your internship!

3) Accessorize, Accessorize 

Don’t be afraid to add accessories to an outfit for your internship! I tend to pair some of my more simple outfits with a statement necklace or a scarf in a solid, bold color. An accessory can dress up a look and give your outfit a bit of a flair, even when you’re wearing a dress or a blouse and pants that are more on the plain side. Charming Charlie’s is GREAT for finding finishing pieces for an outfit. Their jewelry is super classy and affordable and literally comes in every color you can think of!


You got this position because YOU earned it! YOU put in the hard work and dedication and your employer hired you for that reason! Don’t ever feel as though you have to hide that feeling of confidence while working at your internship; don’t hesitate to voice your ideas and opinions. Being hired as an intern is a huge accomplishment and you need to take this opportunity to get as much experience as you can. Confidence isn’t something that you can shop for at a store or buy online, but it certainly is something that looks fashionable on everyone!

Julia Lowney is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied English and also minored in Marketing and Writing and Communications.